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Matt McArthur is the Founder and Executive Director of The Record Co., which is a Boston-based music incubator which seeks to fulfill the creative visions of music makers and build a sustainable creative community. Primarily, they provide subsidized time in their recording studio and seek to operate all-ages venues as well as rehearsal space.In 2017 they hosted 1,219 subsidized recording sessions for more than 3,500 emerging professionals. The studios have become spaces for creators to experiment and develop their artistry and a hub for freelance producers and engineers to start and build their careers. Their compilation record, Boston Sessions Vol. 1: Beast is available on vinyl, CD, and on Spotify.

Topics covered:
Engineering as a service-oriented profession and seeking to execute someone else’s creative vision
The cult of personality in recording and production
Bridging the gap in a segregated music scene
Building self-awareness and finding out if you enjoy the work
The scarcity mentality vs. an attitude of abundance

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